Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The letter or I am Afraid of Anal Sex

Hi! Yesterday I've received an interesting letter on my mail box. It was a friend of mine who told me about about her worries regarding anal sex. I've decided to post the letter here below, discuss and give some reliable advice.

Here is the letter:

I have a boyfriend - the best I have ever had. I have already introduced him to my family. I had the green light from all my “tribe”, so I am very happy. My lover is very responsible, attentive, funny and skillful when it comes to sex.

His experiences add more finery and kinkiness to our relationship and I am eager to try with him diverse sex positions, sex toys, BDSM games, role playing, but...I can't rush into anal sex yet!

I consider anal sex a taboo, a sexual activity that is dangerous, disgusting and bad. In spite of my active and adventurous sexual life I've led and still lead I have never tried this kind of sex.

And up to now I am not wild to try it. I think it is my choice, so my boyfriend should respect it. What do you think about anal sex? How does it seem to you?

So, what do you say? Any thoughts about this?


Anonymous said...

Creo que tiene miedo a probar cosas nuevas que son completamente normales. Sus temores son infundados, pero si son profundos y están arraigados va a necesitar ayuda profesional para superarlos. Simplemente tiene que dejarse llevar y jugar, experimentar con la misma inocencia con que juegan los niños.

Disculpa, pero mi inglés no es lo suficientemente bueno como para poder contestarte en ese idioma.

Me gusta tu blog.

Un beso.

Oly said...

bien venido seas!